About Us

Help today because tomorrow you may be the one who
needs more helping!

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QUIMPCY Global Foundation is a Non-governmental organization

Quimpcy Global Foundation came in response to a new Drug called (KUSH) wreaking havoc in west Africa, particularly in SIERRA LEONE, and is presently undertaking a project in SIERRA LEONE , where it is estimated to kill around a dozen people each week and hospitalize thousands. The drug taken by Men and Women aged 8-25 causes people to fall asleep while walking, to fall over, to bang their heads against hard surfaces and to walk into moving traffic.

For the purpose of bridging the gap to humanity. This NGO will advocate for the less privileged as a whole; those who are financially handicapped to pursue and achieve their dream.

  • 1800

    Money Donated

  • 15

    Volunteer Around The World

  • 201

    People Impacted

  • 240

    Positive Feedbacks


Ayodele Omolara CEO & Founder of Quimpcy Global Foundation.

The secret to happiness lies in helping others. Never underestimate the difference YOU can make in the lives of the poor, the abused and the helpless.


Our History

Quimpcy Global Foundation came in response to a new Drug called (KUSH) wreaking havoc in west Africa, particularly in SIERRA LEONE, and is presently undertaking a project in SIERRA LEONE,where it is estimated to kill around a dozen people each week and hospitalize thousands.


Our Mission

Our mission is to eradicate KUSH abuse among the youth in Sierra Leone by providing effective rehabilitation programs, raising awareness through education, and facilitating social reintegration for affected individuals.


Quimpcy Global Foundation came in response to a new Drug called (KUSH) wreaking havoc in west Africa, particularly in SIERRA LEONE.

Charitify Location

  • enquiries@quimpcyglobalfoundation.org
  • +232 30 128748
  • wwww.quimpcyglobalfoundation.org
  • 42, main Sewa road, Bo City Southern Province. Sierra Leone